Dog Lost by Canadian Embassy (Dongzhimenwai Dajie) |

We can't find out 7 month old female poodle, Mei mei. Her leash broke when my daughter was taking her for a walk. Within seconds we couldn't find her. Someone obviously picked her up. She was likely out in traffic as she is not afraid of cars and someone likely thought she would get run over.
We will pay a reward of 3000 RMB.
Thanks, Jaquie
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Please also contact the International Center for Veterinary Services if you have information about Mei Mei:
Tel: 8456-1939/1940
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"Da Ge" Lost Cat in Xihai/Houhai/Xinjiekou area |

My cat “Da Ge” got out of the house and was lost around November 11th, in the Xihai / Houhai / Xinjiekou area.
“Da Ge” is a long-haired black and white cat, about 3-years old and is fully vaccinated and neutered (sterilized). He is friendly and trusting of people. He was under one-year old when originally rescued cat from the streets of Beijing, and may be wandering around neighborhoods in Xihai, Houhai and Xinjiekou with cat colonies and feeding stations.
If you see “Da Ge,” please contact me. I am keen to have him returned home safely.
Thank you!
William White
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Mobile: 130 5120 7603 (中英文)
Please also call the International Center for Veterinary Services:
Tel: 8456-1939/1940/1941