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Comprehensive Surgeries at ICVS |
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Comprehensive Surgery and Hospitalized Care at the International Center for Veterinary Services (ICVS)
Planning for your pet’s neuter or spay surgery is an important part of basic animal health care. Our approach to surgeries and hospitalization for our pets is no different from what we would desire for ourselves. ICVS has prepared this overview for owners to answer questions about our approach to comprehensive surgeries and hospitalized care for pets.
What may I expect when I schedule surgery or dental procedures for my pet at the International Center for Veterinary Services?
Every patient at ICVS receives the highest standards of surgery and hospitalized care, including: · A sterile, well-equipped and modern hospital facility with trained and licensed veterinarians and veterinary technicians · A thorough physical examination and pre-anesthesic testing to minimize any risks · Monitoring during surgery by veterinary technicians and with monitoring technology (EKG, pulse oximeter, blood pressure monitor, respiratory monitor, etc.) · Use of intravenous catheters with fluid support, safer gas anesthesia, oxygen and less reactive suture materials in surgeries and dentals · Antibiotics to prevent infections and medication to control pain · 24-hour nursing care during hospitalization* · Detailed written home care instructions in Chinese and English · A post-discharge examination to monitor recovery and to remove sutures, if any
Estimates for comprehensive surgery, dental cleanings and hospitalized care are provided in advance of all procedures and include all services detailed above.
ICVS’ comprehensive approach to surgeries and dentals from the initial examination to discharge from the hospital was developed in line with global best practices adopted by veterinarians and professional veterinary medical associations across the world. Implementing these best practices ensures that every patient receives the individual care and attention he/she deserves and minimizes any risks. Providing comprehensive care before, during and immediately after the surgery also reduces the need for multiple repeat visits and antibiotic injections, thereby reducing stress to the pet and overall expenses for the owner. * ICVS does not discharge animals while still groggy in any way from anesthesia as they are a danger to themselves and to their human handlers. Spay surgery patients are recommended to remain overnight encouraging “bed rest” in a properly confined area while monitored by veterinary technicians.
在北京新天地国际动物医院做手术或者洁牙,是什么样的过程? 每一个病例在北京新天地国际动物医院都有最专业的手术安排和术后护理,包括:
· 严格消毒完备的现代化医疗器械和设备,以及严格培训注册的宠物医师和助理 · 全面的体检和麻醉前测试(全血检和术前生化等),以最大程度降低麻醉风险 · 手术过程中兽医助理的全程监护记录和各种监护仪的使用(包括血压监护仪,脉搏、血氧监护仪,呼吸监护等) · 手术过程中有:静脉插管和静脉补液,更安全的吸入麻醉和氧气供给,低过敏的可吸收缝线 · 防止感染的抗生素和止痛针 · 住院期间的24小时监护* · 详细书面的中英文“家庭护理指导” · 术后免费定期检查恢复情况,以及拆线(如果需要)
所有手术和洁牙及住院监护的估价都会在所有步骤前就给出,而且包括以上所列出的各项服务。 *北京新天地国际动物医院对于手术和洁牙的整个过程和方案都符合国际最佳标准;对每一个病例提供最全面的单独护理和关注,这样也会最大程度地使手术风险降到最低。手术前,中,后即时的全面检查和住院护理,大大减少了动物的应激,同时也大大节约了主人的宝贵时间和精力。
北京新天地国际动物医院不会把一个麻醉后还未完全清醒的动物交给主人,因为这期间对动物本身以及主人都是很危险的。如果病例需要,北京新天地国际动物医院可以为手术后的动物提供手术当天晚上住院和兽医助理24小时监护。 ©2007 International Center for Veterinary Services
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